Sunday, 11 January 2009

Some Form of Flan

Well, as it turns out, there are a multitude of flan recipes available. Since some seemed too easy and maybe just a bit boring, I decided to try the Food Network's recipe I found online. However, when I made the trek to Tesco to find the ingredients I found that they do not have vanilla beans. They have a vanilla stalk, but thats not really the same, is it? And it cost about as much as all the other ingredients combined- not helpful with my limited funds. But, according to the ever-trusted Wikipedia, one teaspoon of Vanilla Extract gives the same flavor as a bean. Thankfully, all is well in the world. It also asks for a cinnamon stalk, but since it was to be ground up anyway I figure using my already-purchased ground cinnamon wont be too bad for the recipe. Ah, Wiki again saves the day, apparently a teaspoon is a popular dosage. Hm. Perhaps I should check that we have the proper dishes to make both the flan and the "water bath" it soaks in...

Well. So much for that! I may have dishes for the flan, but definitely nothing for the water bath... why dont the English have normal casserole dishes?? Perhaps Annemarie can come to my rescue with another way of making my favorite Texmex dessert..

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